When he visited Zadar in 1964, Alfred Hitchcock said: »Zadar has the most beautiful sunset in the world, more beautiful than the one in Key West, in Florida, applauded at every evening.« That same sunset is the reason why you will see hundreds of tourists every evening standing at the Greeting to the Sun and simply enjoying the view. Even though today many people automatically relate Zadar to the Sea Organ and the Greeting to the Sun, there are many other localities which have to be seen in order to experience Zadar at its best, such as the Forum, Narodni trg (People’s Square), Foša, Five Wells Square, Kalelarga, Riva, Archaeological Museum Zadar. If you want to see some other cities in Dalmatia such as Split or Šibenik or visit some of the nearby islands, Zadar is situated at great position to start from.